Kin #5: The Pelvis and Trunk
$90.00 – $100.00
In The Pelvis and Trunk we will explore the core structure of the human body from the pelvic floor to the top of the rib cage. The bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles will all be covered giving the student a clear picture of the structural components of the pelvis and trunk.
In The Pelvis and Trunk we will explore the core structure of the human body from the pelvic floor to the top of the rib cage. The bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles will all be covered giving the student a clear picture of the structural components of the pelvis and trunk. We will look into the key structural components of this most critical part of the human body. Individual case studies will help students better understand this area and devise appropriate manual interventions with their clients.
All installments of The Living Body SeriesĀ® are in the format of written text material with appropriate diagrams. Being well versed in this information will allow you to talk more confidently with your clients as well as with other health care professionals.
Practice questions at the end of each chapter will help you review the information and deepen your understanding of the material. These are for your use only and do not need to be submitted.
This course comes with a 25-question, multiple-choice exam that must be returned for grading. Passing grade is 18 out of 25 (72%). If for some reason you do not pass, a copy of the questions you missed will be sent back to you. Upon successfully passing the exam, your course completion will be entered into the CE Broker System and you will receive a Certificate of Completion in the mail.
This course is approved for 12 CE credits by the following:
The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (includes the AMTA)
The Louisiana State Board of Massage Therapy
The Florida State Board of Massage Therapy
Please note that The Living Body SeriesĀ® is listed under the name of John H. Schewe with the above boards – Florida Provider #50-1095